Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Spencer got his two month vaccines yesterday and as you can tell he wasn't too happy about it. He did get some pretty stylin' band-aids though! It was so sad, he was looking at the nurse, calm and content with no idea what was coming. The next second he was screaming for his life! It wouldn't have been so hard if he hadn't been in such a good mood beforehand! I guess it's better than Hepatitis!
And I thought I'd add this - Spencer hard at work, studying with Dad. Or, and this is more likely, keeping up on the news at!


karla said...

Spencer looks so mini in this picture!

Jeff said...

This is pretty much the best picture ever! Good work, Drew. Way to train the boy when he is young.

Pete Leseberg said...

Never too early to start that first-class education, padre


Tricia said...

It looks to me like Spencer needs his Grammy. Don't worry! I'll be there soon!

Grammy C

Emily said...

I've tagged you. Check out my blog to see what to do.

Janae said...

I hate shots, they are no fun. Last time we had to go, I just asked Josh to go with Ainslie. I'm a wimp; I can't handle it. Your son is way cute.

The Ablemans

The Ablemans

The Boys

All Smiles!

Twelve Months

Twelve Months

Eleven Months

Eleven Months

Ten Months

Ten Months

Nine Months

Nine Months

Eight Months

Eight Months

Seven Months

Seven Months

Six Months

Six Months

Five Months

Five Months

Four Months

Four Months

Three Months

Three Months

Two Months

Two Months

One Month

One Month