Thursday, November 20, 2008

Young Women Ideas!

I am adding a picture of Spencer because I know I'll get in trouble if I don't! Please ignore the mess in the background. I am actually writing to request ideas. I have recently been put in the Young Women's program at church so I am over the 12 to 17 year old girls. I know that many of you have participated in Young Women programs as youth or as leaders. My question is really open ended - what activities, lessons, special events, personal progress techniques, etc. were particularly effective. I am especially concerned about getting the girls excited about personal progress and getting the girls to be the leaders of our activities. I am also considering making a goal for all the leaders and young women to read the Book of Mormon in 2009. Are there any reading calendars or techniques you have found effective for that? I would be grateful for any advice or ideas at all as I am very new at this! If you have an idea that is too long for the comment page feel free to email me: Thanks everyone!


Erin said...

I suggest checking out - it's a YW focused blog and seems to have some good ideas for lessons and about YW in general, plus links to other YW sites/blogs.

Emily said...

one year, our young women's president challenged everyone to read the book of mormon. then for a culminating event, we each were assigned pages to read for the night. we came with pillows, blankets, and read for about a half hour (we had a lot of young women plus the leaders, so everyone only had to read like 10 pages). then we sat in a circle and said really briefly what had happened during our 10 pages. it was really neat to see the whole "story" of the book of mormon told in one night.

sorry that's long, but hopefully helpful, and i think it's great to challenge the girls to read the BOM. good luck!

kiley said...

Sorry - I don't know I don't have any experience in young womens except for being one! I can't believe Spencer is so big! He's a cutie.

WHITNEY said...

One thing that our YW leaders did that always helped me was to have our activities centered around completing something for personal progress so we could get something done and have a fun activity at the same time! I know my mom always liked those activities too :) She always loved when we were working on our personal progress.

Michelle said...

Hmmm....young women ideas...I remember trips to the beach and slumber parties, and those were a heck of a lot of fun! Although I don't know if the church recommends those. seriously, I remember making a pie crust in young women's once, and it actually helped me bake a pie for Thanksgiving this year! Woo hoo! I liked stuff on nutrition, or how to do your makeup. The basket's were fun...girls cooked a desert, decorated baskets, and auctioned it off to the boys at a combined activity. Service...old folks home is always fun. You could do a play or something and perform it for the stake. Just some ideas!!! Good luck!

Marianne said...

Yay for Young Womens!! We did a Book of Mormon challenge one year, and we made a chart with every book, divided into chapters,and each Sunday, the young women and leaders could put a star in all the boxes of the chapters they had completed that week. It was a great way to keep track of progress, and we gave a special gift and a certificate to everyone who completed the book by the end of the year. We had most of our young women and leaders participate, and most finished. I remember it well.... ;-)

The Ablemans

The Ablemans

The Boys

All Smiles!

Twelve Months

Twelve Months

Eleven Months

Eleven Months

Ten Months

Ten Months

Nine Months

Nine Months

Eight Months

Eight Months

Seven Months

Seven Months

Six Months

Six Months

Five Months

Five Months

Four Months

Four Months

Three Months

Three Months

Two Months

Two Months

One Month

One Month